JK | AERIAI CABLE Product Description Aerial cable is evenly and tightly wrapped with a layer of non conducting materials out of the wire,such as:PVC,XLPE. The insulating layer is formed,prevent the conduction contact with the outside leakage,short circuit, electric shock accidents caused by the wire. According to the voltage level can be divided into: ●medium pressure: The aerial cables voltage rating of 10kV. ●low pressure: The aerial cables voltage rating of 1kV.
Product Standard It is manufactured in compliance with GB/T 12527.
Product Model ●JKV、JKLV-Conductor PE insulated aerial cable ●JKYJ、JKLYJ-Conductor XLPE insulated aerial cable ●JKLHYJ-Aluminium alloy copper conductor XLPE insulated aerial cable
Product Use for The product applies to aerial electric power transmission lines with rated voltage U up to and including 1 kilovolts.
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